How long will he wait?
As he walked down to the dock, he, again, thought about the last time he saw her.
He remembered how the sun shown down on her golden hair.
The memory is as fresh in his mind today as it was the day she left 25 years ago.
She told him that she'd be back someday when she could.
In the meantime, he'd raise and watch over the boy.
Just before sundown, everyday, it's the same!
Each time, she hasn't returned.
Will she ever? The boy believes she's gone forever.
However, the man knows she will return someday when she can.
After all, she promised.
The man knew she would keep her promise because of the love between them.
How long would he wait? Just until she returns.
He gets down to where the dock turns to the right.
He stops and sees her standing by the water's edge, sun shining on her golden hair as if she'd been standing there all along all these years.
He walks slowly toward her with tears streaming down his face and yet a smile on his face.
She walks slowly toward him with the same tears and smile.
They embrace and just standing there holding one another until way after dark.
For that's the way of truelove.
Time and distance matter little, true love always remains.
For true love can only give!

Have a wonderful day!
Ted D.