Didn't you hear ME, "It's time to stop and get off!"
Most of us, just go along with our lives if we have reach a certain level of comfort. The things is, while in comfort, we don't realize the comfort level wears out. Suddenly we find that we are over-burdened and over-committed and over-so many, many things. We become so stressed that we want to shout, "stop the world! I want to get off for awhile!" However, we don't shout because we just remembered this other thing we just got to deal with.
And we become lost in the world and don't even realize it.

Then, a devastating California fire happens, a hurricane blows our way, someone close to us gets a disease, we lose someone, a snow storm dumps enough snow and our lives are interrupted. We get stopped. We lament that our plans were trashed. BUT SECRETLY, DEEP INSIDE OURSELVES, WE ARE RELIEVED! We whisper a Thank You, God or Thank You Jesus prayer. WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT! All of our have-to's, became cant's. And our wants and our needs become one. And that's what we do! However, we spend that time and we will spend it in many, many different ways, it nourishes our souls. We are left with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
Yesterday, thanks to the snow, I spent it finishing decorating my Christmas tree, ordering some things on-line, discussed with my interior designer where to put my tree of life shelf and put it there and it's perfect, did some fix it chores, fixed a sit-down dinner, took a nap. It was all glorious!

What made it so glorious wasn't what I did. Rather that I chose each and every thing and each and every person I talked to.
As I end this blog, my neighbor is out plowing out my driveway again! He's doing what he wants. I know, because I did it for my neighbors for about 8 to10 years!

Have a wonderful day!
Ted D.