Believe You Can, Part II
Why do people have such a hard time believing they can even when they are told it's possible for them?

I 've had this thing sticking in my thoughts and it just won't let go. So I'm gonna just give it a pair of wings and let it soar!!! It's the way many women are treated by the men in their lives. The men treat them as if they are somewhat less than men are. This is so sad for I think man was God's rough draft. While women are the finished product!
So let's see where it starts. We have a man who feels he's superior. He marries a woman and convinces her he is, by what he says and how he treats her. Now she has this belief of inferiority.
They have a son who grows up and watches dad and how he treats mom and treats mom as dad does. Son then marries and the cycle continues. If they had a daughter, she would marry someone like dad. Of course this situation seems NORMAL to both Dad and Mom and son daughter.
If a man comes along and treats a woman as an equal. She may enjoy the experience, yet it will feel not normal and eventually she will actin such a way to bring things back her feeling of normal by treating the man badly.
After a time, the man may give up and leave. The worst thing he can do. He needs to continue to treat her with dignity and respect as an equal in spite of how she treats him. Not an easy thing todo but well worth the effort. That which is worthwhile is always worth the effort.
The woman over time needs to realize that she must change how she responds to those men who see her as one down. This should not be an aggressive approach, for that will create hostility. An assertive approach is much better.
For example, if the man says I will meet you at such a time at such a place, she can just simply say that she has other plans and won't be there. If the man asks why, simply say I made a commitment and I keep my commitments. If I made a commitment to you, you wouldn't want me to break it would you? ( as an aside: never explain why you said no to someone who asks why, because their only reason for asking is they want to talk you into yes. To do that they have to have ammunition to show you why you are wrong.)
The woman has just interrupted the cycle. If she does this enough times, the cycle will be broken forever.
Now I'm sure I've ruffed some feathers. Maybe they needed ruffling!
Have a wonderful day!
Ted D.