Believe You Can?

It has been said that anything you can conceive, you can achieve!
It has been said, we all have so much untapped potential!
It has been said, if we believe, we can....!
Then it's implied, I can't achieve if I don't think of it.
Maybe, I don't think of it because I can't?
If I have untapped potential, why can't I think of it?
Maybe, try as I might I can't because I have never experienced anything that show me it's possibilities.
I must have someone show me the way!
I must have someone say it's possible!
Sometimes, even then, I won't believe.
Even tho, I've seen it happen for others.
I won't believe it will happen for me.
Every once in a while, someone will come along and believe so strongly it's for me.
They keep letting me know it's possible until I can believe.
How long does someone have to believe for me?
Just long enough until I believe for myself and not a minute more!
Once I believe, nothing can stop me.
They just don't build mountains that high!
Have a wonderful Day!
Ted D.
P.S. I had a particular thing in mind when I wroteToday's blog.
Tomorrow: I'll share what that thing is!