… and now The rest of the story
As Paul Harvey use to say and now The rest of the story. So you guessed the picture was a rug? A wall hanging? A door mat? The Davis coat of arms? and ???? Well, of course, you'd all'd be right! It's nice to be right, especially in a world where so many fingers point how wrong we are when we have a view different than others.
The rest of the story begins in Mid-May of 1971 on a camping trip to the northern neck of Virginia. It was a weekend outing sponsored by Montgomery County Single Parents. We arrived on a beautiful late spring evening. Set up our tent and our children ran around meeting and playing with the other children. I suspect we were all really here so our kids could see they weren't the only ones who were missing a parent at home.
We turned in early and arose early the next day. The young lady and her 2 kids next to me were eating cereal and milk. She looked over and saw I was preparingBacon, Eggs and Pancakes. Later I found out she thought is this guy for real?
The children played and went for a boat ride in the Titanic.And that night after the kids were asleep, six adults gathered in a converted school bus camper and talked until about 1 AM.
About 2 AM, God decided to practice Her flood-making routine and it poured. You guessed it our tent spring a leak just over my sleeping bag. So I climbed into my car right next to the tent. About 5 minutes later, my kids piled into the car and we slept there til dawn. I packed up in the pouring rain and drove home. he young lady awoke and I had disappeared.
The young lady and I started dating. We would talk on the phone for about 2 hours most nights after the kids were .asleep. One night we started at nine and didn't stop until six AM.
Two years later, right before we were married Barbara gave me this Davis Coat of Arms wallhanging. Each strand was attached while talking on the phone. So you see it's really the story of two people getting to know one another and falling in love.And now you know the rest of the story!

Have a Wonderful Day!
Ted D.